Re-writing the real: a two day guide to use and abuse, AKI2, Enschede [1999]
Re-writing the real is an age old practice with its roots in art and artifice. This educational program was a two day sampler of just what strategies have been deployed to use and abuse the real in order to create “artefictions” out of artefacts. From Baudrillard’s musings on simulacra to Situationists plots to bring about détournement we looked at past and present tactics of manipulation, subversion, intervention and assimilation. The program was a multi-sensual extravaganza with video screenings, lectures/presentations, meals and handy-crafts. The focus was on that preciously delicate moment when the ordinary becomes the extraordinary.

Paperbags filled with various items to guide students through the two-day workshop

The early morning breakfast

Debra Solomon’s presentation