Tech_nicks was an intensive series of workshops and presentations that took place over 6 weeks during June and July, 2000. The project was initiated by Lisa Haskel, in collaboration with Lina Dzuverovic-Russell. Touring four different locations: The Lux, London, Site Gallery, Sheffield, Hull Time Based Arts, Hull, and the PVA Media Lab, Bridport, Dorset. The Mobile Lounge was designed to gather information and provided continuity between venues. The Mobile Lounge strived to incorporate both leisure and labour, was meant to create a fluid identity in a world of fluid mobility and it embraced a mix of innovation, appropriation and opportunism.

The mobile lounge packed and ready to go to London.

For marking things produced in the Mobile Lounge, stickers, stamps and other labelling items were included in the portable unit.

A DIY set-up guide was included for easy installaltion at each venue.